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TPI Model 9000 Inspection
TPI Model 9000 Inspection
Our Price: $4,999.00

Product Code: TPI-9000

Description Specifications

How do you know if things are OK or not? Go and check them is the answer - but obviously you can't do it all by yourself? TPI's new Pocket Inspection system allows absolutely anybody to do it for you by simply answering a list of customizable user defined questions on a rugged handheld PC. The answers are stored and uploaded to the included PC trending software that automatically flags up any warnings or alarms. It will even send out emails to anyone who needs to know!

The handheld Pocket Inspection unit is Extremely rugged (waterproof and droppable) and has a high resolution color display with both touchscreen and keypad entry capability. The software is incredibly easy to use and set up. It comes with a set of "industry standard” inspection menus (e.g. fan inspection, pump inspection, etc) that can easily be edited to create new user defined inspection metrics, or simply create your own. "Is the floor clean?", "Are the lights working?" and so on…

Consistent verifiable inspections are often the difference between a long life span and early failure. With the optional RFID feature the entire inspection process can be automated. The addition of RFID tags enables instant recognition of individual assets. Customizable menus guide field technicians through a checklist to ensure consistent inspection parameters each and every time. Pocket inspection will also write data back to RIFD tags so the inspection is verified. Data gathered in the ruggedized PDA is automatically downloaded to the correct file when synchronized with the host computer to eliminate data entry errors. Reports can be generated quickly and emailed automatically to managers and technicians so little problems can be dealt with before they become big headaches.

Applications Include:
• Commercial / Industrial HVAC
• Food Processing
• Manufacturers
• Mining
• Packaging
• Petrochemical
• Printing and Paper Processing
• Utilities

Includes: Trimble Nomad, Carrying case, C-Trend Software, Mobil Inspect and Network



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