The CMCP700S-CV (Case Vibration) accepts an Accelerometer or Velocity
Sensor Input. 4ma Constant Current Power for the sensor is provided.
Standard input is 100 mv/g or 100 mv/in/sec (4 mv/mm/sec). The
CMCP700S-CV provides an output in either Acceleration (g’s) or Velocity
(in/sec, mm/sec).
With a Velocity Sensor Input either a Velocity or
Displacement (mils, um) output is available. Both ISO Standard and ISO
Low Frequency are DIP switch selectable. RMS or Peak Signal Detection is
selectable. A Buffered Output signal is available on the screw terminals, or the signals can be connected to a din rail mount BNC Module like the CMCP300E.
- Accelerometer or Velocity Input
- Acceleration, Velocity or Displacement Output
- Single Level of Integration
- RMS or Peak Detection
- English or Metric Selectable
- ISO Standard 10 Hz - 1 kHz or
- ISO Low Frequency 2 Hz - 2 kHz
- Selectable Filters
- Buffered Output Terminal
- 4 mA Sensor Power
- Slimline DIN Rail Mount