4-20 mA Output Accelerometers (Vibration Transmitters, Loop Power Vibration Transmitters, Velocity Transmitter)
Loop Powered Vibration Transmitters are a low cost choice for permanent monitoring of Balance of Plant machinery. They can be mounted on the machines bearing housings and wired to local IO for monitoring by the plants PLC or DCS. Loop Powered Transmitters only require a single pair of wires to the Field IO as power is provided by the 4-20 mA loop. Loop Powered Vibration Transmitters have internal circuitry that converts the internal accelerometers output in “g’s” acceleration to Velocity in either in/sec or mm/sec terms. Velocity is the preferred engineering term for continuous monitoring and accurately reflects the condition of the machines bearings. Many Vibration Transmitters also include a buffered output of the accelerometers dynamic output that can be used by portable data collection instruments and analyzers.
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